11/24 - 1030p

here it is thanksgiving eve...

my brother said he'd download soxmas for me, since he has real internet service and it takes a bit of time to squeeze 50mb over a cheezy phone connection. he's supposed to bring it to dinner tomorrow at Mom's. So I shoudl be able to get it on the laptop to bring it home...hopefully. At least we'll discover the true meaning of Xmas!

and wife kindly made another recording of that old Arlo Guthrie LP for someone she works with since it's that time of year. It's a reasonably clean recording considering the condition of our record players. The record is in good shape...that helps.

I have to wonder about all these web pages that just don't work unless you have scripting enabled. I guess we're expected to let strangers' web pages run our computers. sigh.

The clothes are all clean, the dishes are washing, and some of the floor is swept. Off to another day of fun tomorrow making someone else's house messy!

I need to find a book to read. Maybe there's something kicking around in the basement...but I've checked recently and haven't seen anything exciting. Sure are a lot of books here that I don't feel like reading right now.

Wife took me shopping for a little bit this afternoon while the twins were at a friend's house. We went in her little car, so we didn't have to worry about actually *buying* anything, and we only went to one store, and didn't really find anything interesting. I guess we need to watch that movie to get in the mood, to really understand the joy of getting (and giving) presents. That's what it's all about, after all.

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