2/6 - 830pm

I got under the dash on the old car and pulled out the broken part, headed over to a friend's house whom I'd given a couple boxes of leftover parts from when I built the car, and found a good replacement part in one of the boxes. Whew! so Steven helped me put the "new" one in. It was a pain, but not quite as bad as I thought it would be. And we lubed everything up nicely so hopefully the new one won't break anytime soon. Now the wipers don't squeak like they used to...maybe some well-placed grease a couple years ago would have prevented all this.

At least I got the kid to crawl under a dashboard and fix something!

Older brother visited today, he brought one of his old computers, from his first "real" job where he designed some of the boards that are in the thing in the late 70s. He didn't get the disk drive he borrowed to work, but he did figure out what info he needs to find to get it working again. And he got to take a tour of the basement where all my old computers are. I have a lot of crap!

I sure hope I get those wheels that are on epay...another hour to go.

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