4/25 - midnightish


we took the front sheetmetal into town this afternoon, C said he'd paint most of it in the morning, so we could get it put back on the car soon. We have to get it done by Friday morning, because that's when the kid's show is and I get things done best when there's a deadline.

I can't imagine what's difficult about checking oil when you fill up with gas, to each his own....but a Taurus? gadzooks! talk to some mechanics, and see how reliable they are. Check the book value compared to the big RWD cars of the same age, and compare the gas mileage. I'm not trying to make salesman of the year, just trying to be helpful. Honda makes good FWD cars, but Ford had some problems with them.

Enough about cars....in other news, nothing's been happening, because I've been into cars all day and night for a while.

The Camaro came out so nice that I may get motivated to get to work on some of my other projects, like the white Belair, and the turquoise Suburban. Both need quite a bit of work, but not an impossible amount. I just haven't had the motivation.

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