6/12 - 10pm

a nice relaxing day, sort of. The little boys turn 14 tomorrow, so today we had the birthday party, inlaws came to visit bearing gifts, and bought us all pizza in town. And then we had cake and sherbet and they opened presents. I didn't get them much, a couple used nintento controller parts (that they've been wanting for years), but inlaws gave Gary a ps/2 (the video game, not the old IBM computer which I already have a dozen or so of), and wife gave Kevin a gameboy DS.

I have pics of some of this going on, but I'm not posting them. sorry!

how gadgetty! no socks or nothin.

Oh last weekend my mom gave them each their own handmade quilt...neat stuff! she's on a trip to Colorado now so they got the birthday gifts over with early.

guess it's time to buy some gypsum wallboard tomorrow.

let's see...using google I find that 1/2" regular wallboard weighs 1.6 lbs/ft^2, and there are 32 sq ft per sheet, so that's 50 lbs/sheet. So the truck will carry about 20 sheets. that's two trips for the cieling, and another for the walls...hmmm...

and I have to see if I can rent the jack, the rental place is closed on saturdays.

I've been pondering making a caseless computer, since my new computer looks so dang boring and typical and relatively modern. I was thinking of using a couple pieces of wood, one on the bottom as a base, the other vertical, like an upside down T. put the motherboard on the left side of the vertical piece, and the power supply and drives on the right side. maybe I'll do it when I'm bored.

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