7/18 - 10pm

this is what passed for excitement here today

no, it's not a rattler, notice how narrow the head is. I guess he was just looking for a mouseypoo to eat...hope he found one!

it's harry potter time at our house, most of us are reading fat books about witches and stuff. fun!

We have two copies of the new one, wife's folks got one and "loaned" it to us, as well as the one wife got Saturday morning by spending an extra $5 over list price.

Today I had to run some errands about the time dear wife was coming home and doing errands, so I wound up meeting her at Safeway and we finished shopping for food together before I went and did a few more things. I noticed as we were leaving, a big box of HP books for $18 each. What fun, being economical.

Little Steving mentioned today that home despot called a couple days ago and said my special order was in. gee...thanks! so I went and got the replacement garage door panel, this one survived the trip ok. So now the new garage is fully functional.

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