oct 19 - 10pm

another exciting day...not.

I drove the bulldozer around a little this morning, sort of a test drive after installing the thermostat and putting in some anti-freeze. Cold weather stuff, it's gonna get cold soon, so better to be prepared.

I walked down to get the mail, and I did yesterday too. It's a mile each way, good for the muscles to get them excersized.

Yesterday also I walked to the other end of the road (also a mile each way) with wife, we went to see where the excitement was earlier in the day. Power went off yesterday morning around 10, came back on an hour later. Not long after it went off I heard sirens, and saw a fire truck and ambulance go down the street. hmm...it's a dead end that way!

Turns out someone had driven too fast on a cross street and slammed into a power pole, breaking it, and rolling the car. I don't know any more details. Crazy driver.

Looks like T in vegas wants to buy little Stevings free truck, so we need to get stuff fixed. The heater/ac blower has been acting flaky, it works first time you use it, then after parking and restarting the blower won't start running again. So I ordered a new motor, and when we drove it around today it worked fine every time! dang pos.

My wife is a manager now, has been for several months, maybe that's why she's so hot? (that's a radiogurl joke)

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