12/9 - midnight

I just started the pellet stove, better late than never. It was kind of chilly last night, not so bad today. I brought little Steving home yesterday afternoon, so he could go to the xmas party tomorrow, etc. He has finals this coming week, so I have to bring him back up tomorrow night or monday morning, then wife will bring him home for the break on Thursday.

I sure haven't been doing squat lately.

I did goof off on the computer a lot, I downloaded a few interesting movies from archive.org, and also downloaded google earth and did some sightseeing. Looks like our house was photographed sometime last winter or spring from the looks of the dead dry ground, and which cars and buildings were where.

I signed up for freecycle recently, but haven't been paying attention to it at all, mostly because I forgot! I saw an article in the local paper about it a week ago or thereabouts. Looks like a good way to get rid of some of my excess crap....we sure have a lot of excess crap around here....I wonder if anyone wants working 15" crt monitors? we have 3 that we can't get rid of and really want to, plus a few more that I could do without.

not to mention all the computers, bikes, car parts, etc.

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