12/22 - almost midnight

It kind of warmed up, then got cold again. the pellets are dropping into the little fire prodigiously.

While they were out shopping, wife and little Gary picked up Soylent Green, along with the recent nascar spoof movie. And some more fishies for the newly cleaned and happy fish tank. I guess that was the reason they had to go shopping in the first place!

I successfully got rid of some clutter here, thanks radiogurl! and MC! hope it's useful.

I guess we have some type of malware floating around in one of the computers here, I had trouble getting my laptop to work sending email, it got an interesting error saying it was blocked because the IP was listed on spamhaus. huh. and it turned out that it was actually only listed on CBL. I had this problem a few weeks ago, and went to CBL and had it delisted, and didn't try it until today, and it was listed again (last weekend it said)...I delisted it again and now it works like it should. Time to look around and see what could be causing it, I'm fairly certain it's not my computer, could be little Stevens laptop since he does who knows what with it at school. Could also be the robot club laptop, as it had who knows what done with it by the guy who used it last season before little Kevin took it over.

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