nov 8 - 10 pm

got a call from a relative about a meeting tomorrow about something the county is planning to do that may affect the health of people in the area, so we're gonna go be concerned citizens. should be interesting.

if I were a good citizen I would have known about it already, but I shy away from local news sources for various reasons...mainly having to do with my bizzare allergy to advertising. (and spell checkers?)

ah, the kids back in school, wife back to work after her week off, I finally had a day to my spoiled self again. so I took a nap or two, since I was reading the meme book, which is interesting overall but a tad dry in places. Not like a good bodice-ripper...although it's been a little while since I reread those Gabaldon books.

we all went out to our favorite pizza/pool place tonite, but the parking lot was full, and the parking lot next door was full, so we decided to go to the not so good pizza place which was almost deserted.

last Saturday an older friend who's really into old cars drove his 56 Crown Vic to the diner cruise nite and didn't make it all the way, the tranny gave out...he got a ride the rest of the way...and I called the towing company on the cell phone, and a guy we both know who is part time driving a tow truck came and got it, we got a good pic of the beautiful old Ford on the back of the truck--using a disposable camera the diner management had handy. he'll never live it down!

he pulled it apart and the tranny is missing several teeth from second gear and the cluster gear, but he did scrounge a newer tranny that looks like it'll fit from a friend and should be able to get it all back together again soon. ah fun.

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