nov 22 - 5pm

how'd it get to be November 22nd already? time sure flies!

Not much going on lately. I read a book by Aurthur C Clarke about the Titanic, written a few years after Ballard found it (see the new National Geographic for more info on it's current condition). The book is set in the early 2000s, so we can see how far Clarke misses in his descriptions of current technology and society...but not too far off the mark. Anyways, one character is a 9 yr old girl (daughter of two mathematician types) who is enthralled by Mandelbrot sets, also known as fractals. So I told one of my kids about fractals, the one who's into programming and math and such, and we downloaded a few programs, and he's been staring at these things all weekend! oh boy....

I guess this is a short week, 2.5 days of school and work for the rest of the family.

Nasty weather out, probably dumped a fresh batch of snow on the mountains, which we'll have to wait for the clouds to clear to go see. There was a beautiful full rainbow a few minutes ago, it wouldn't fit in the camera, so I didnt' get a good picture.

And activist relation that I went to that meeting with a couple weeks ago got has been getting press in the local rag. hah! she's tickled that she has a voice in what's going on. I think it's swell.

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