2/10 - 10pm

taxes are done and off to the efiling thingy whatever that is....

And we got a refund check from the old mortgage company, a bit more than one monthly payment. That helps.

Now the kids are doing Rubik cubes again! it's the 25th anniversary, you know...time flies when you're having fun.

The 8th graders are in big trouble, seems they haven't been actually doing their assignments in some classes. I don't know what to do, maybe just let them flunk and see if we can make them take 8th grade again? I don't think schools will do that nowadays. so I guess they'll just get taken out of GATE instead.

We have more northwest weather...cloudy, light rain, yucky. Supposed to last into the weekend, and there are some fun car things planned. Hopefully it'll clear up by Saturday afternoon.

Feels like I didn't do anything today...probably because I didn't do much. But wife and I did go to town and get groceries, and I did finish the taxes, and I read some more of the book I'm sort of into now, "the feminine mystique" by Friedan, circa 1963. Interesting!

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