3/10 - 1030pm

I got my car put back together, it seems to run fine. Except that the weather was really nice today, which means warm, and when it gets warm here the gasoline doesn't work right! I think they make "winter gas" more volatile, so when the temp gets over 75 and we have winter gas my car will die when I pull out in traffic after being parked.

I also put the old steering wheel back on it, to give it the "traditional" look. To get into the show in Vegas that we're going to, the cars have to be "traditional". In quotes. Because the cars that people nowadays call "traditional" bear little to resemblence to the 50 year old hot rods they're supposed be following in the tradition of!

So I'll make a little effort, and if they won't let me in, oh well.

Little Steven has been playing with lasers. My older brother sent one that he had laying around, and then steve's buddy borrowed one from school also and dropped it off here yesterday. so we have two of them here now. STeve made a "slit" using two razor blades, when laser light goes thru the slit it diffracts, or bends, and since laser light is coherent (the light acts as though it's all one waveform), it makes a neat pattern of dots on the wall. That's right, one laser shining thru a vertical slit makes a horizontal row of dots....light is neat stuff!

is what it looks like after screwing with the image brightness and contrast a bunch, because my camera can't take good pics of such a faint light source.

I just found a book I got a couple weeks ago and didn't read yet, maybe I'll read it to get my mind relaxed...Firestarter by King. I think I read it a long time ago.

I gotta clean the house tomorrow.

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