4/17 - 840pm

ah, the sweet smell of aspen! I got the swap cooler going, with some help from little Steven. Not much to it, vacuum out the debris, put in the new pads, unclog the spider. I added a filter around the pump inlet screen so that it hopefully won't clog the spider any more--aspen was getting into it and plugging up the spider at the center.

those of you not in the southwest may not know what I'm talking about, but you can google "evaporative cooler" for more info.

we also did more bitchin camaro work today, sanded and primed the front end parts again, and almost finished sanding the body again. It's coming along nicely, should be ready for paint in a couple days.

wife says she's gonna see if she can take off two mornings a week for the fall semester, she has to take a class for her masters degree that is not offered except in the classroom--the rest have been "distance learning" classes. that's a lot of commute for one class!

it's getting cold in here...maybe it's time to turn off the cooler. they sure work well in April! I'll have to remember this when August rolls around and the humidity cuts the cooling efficiency most of the way.

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