5/11 - 7:36am

it's a bit early for me to be up, but that's life.

wife made it back east ok, I called her on the new Sprint communicator (they flip open, just like on Star Trek the first TV show).

what should I do today? I need to get some stuff in town, but not much, it could wait. We went shopping last night after dinner (ate out two nights in a row, naughty). I even bought new bathroom rugs...to go along with the other cleaning up I've been doing in there. maybe I should do more cleaning up today, there's always more to be don.

I started reading the spider book last night, and I didn't even have nightmares (that I remember).

today's oxymoron list:

honest politician
jumbo shrimp
happily married
religious truth
military intelligence
Microsoft Trust
devout atheist
conventional wisdom
painless dentistry

time to go greet the world and kick it's ass....or maybe curl up on the couch with a book.

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