june 8 - 9pm

ah...another wonnerful warm summer day.

I guess we counted siding wrong a couple days ago, need to go get one more sheet tomorrow.

I've been staying up till about 1 a lot lately, computing and reading, then getting up late in the morning. I need to get my schedule back to normal, bed at 11, up when the sun is still cool.

My neighbors have netbeam wireless broadband service, something like 500kbps for $50/month...maybe it's time to join the modern world and sign up. That's about 20 times faster than the phone works. Although not having a dialup number when travelling may be a pain. Although wife has an 800 number she can call for work travel, and maybe if I'm travelling I don't really need to be messing with the computer...although our trip last summer I put up some pics every day, and had a lot of folks looking at it.

well, have fun, kids!

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