oct 25 - 11pm

I sent my dad a birthday card, since he's up in Wisconsin it's a bit hard to visit as often as we'd like. It's his 70th...the card comes with a built in whoopee cusion, so he should like it.

I hope their new house is coming along ok, and gets done before it gets real cold up there!

I got a new battery for the free truck.

Other than that, my laziness overwhelms me.

I should do some more reading. Wife's folks gave her the new Gabaldon book last weekend, so I've been reading it. I can't take much of it at a time though for some odd reason. Maybe because it's too intense. Although I've already encountered a few sex scenes to go along with the gruesome death of a family, and I'm only 1/8" of the way thru and it's at least 2" thick.

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