12/3 - 11pm

it's parade time

this is what we did this morning. Little Kelvin went with a friend to spend the day and night, mom stayed home and studied, and the rest of us took the bitchin camaro to the parade, as participants.

There were a couple floats with pretend cakes with a golden 50 on top.

I should have thought ahead and made a 50 golden birthday thingy for my car, since it's 50 this year, and driven it, but I didn't.

wierd thing is the 50th birthday for the city is next year! but the parade theme this year is for that. huh.

other than that its' been pretty quiet here.

after the parade we (car club) went to pizza, and then we got to fix one of the newer memebers' 57 chevy that he just bought. the fan hit the shroud, so I took the fan off so he could drive home a couple miles.

Later today little Gary went to his friends house for the day and night, so even later the remaining 3 of us went out for diner dinner and shopping for my nephew's bday tomorrow, and also took C his computer back. I did some fixing of it (I hope).

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