9/14 thursday - 10pm or so

what a lazy day today. Last night a friend gave me a monitor...only a year old...and it's one of those modern spiffy LCD ones. The have them in stock in droves at wally world, new, same model! wow. This one developed a "blinking on and off" problem. I plugged it into a computer last night, ran it for an hour or two, and sure enough it blinked off, then in a bit it blinked back on. Seems like a thermal thing. So I took it apart, and noticed that it was not filled with dust (which would have explained it). So, I stared at the guts for a while, and decided that maybe the power supply was getting too warm, and shutting off. I realized I could leave off the metal plate that covers the PSU/driver boards....which I did, and it ran all day without blinking off! so I gave it to little Gary, to use with his mostly new high zoot computer (to replace the 1998 vintage 15" CRT he's been using).

I pulled some railroad tie fence posts out with the bulldozer yesterday, worked pretty slick....hydraulics and chains are my friends!

I wonder if I'll head up to the big city tomorrow night for the funky hot rod show/rockabilly concert at CC?

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