nov 9 - Jay Leno time

it's almost time for Leno, so I guess I'll miss it, big deal. we only get 3 channels, fortunately one of them is pbs, which is mostly the only tv I watch. I was really bad and watched almost 2 hrs tonite on the popluating of North America (nova and SA frontiers). Interesting...although it isn't known whether the people first showed up 13-20,000 years ago, or just the technology (which is the only thing that there is significant evidence of).

the county meeting was interesting, it's not as scary (to me) as relative seems to think it is, but she did manage to ask one question using half a dozen words that the presenters sure didn't want to hear folks asking about...she was quite proud of that fact! it was entertaining to see them have to react.

hmmm, ravioli for dinner with that special bread and salad and peaches. no, I didn't cook it.

nice weather today after the gray cloudy weekend and the rain yesterday. I even ran the fireplace thingy sunday night it was so cold! although the house is pretty well insulated and we usually only need to run the fire (which is our only source of heat) from dec to march, and not every day, perhaps half the time or so.

oldest kid has to give a presentation for English about the civil war book they're reading. he made a powerpoint presentation, using some interesting art including a South Park frame capture, and a couple pictures of dead generals with new teeth and eyes inserted by him. the fun part is he's not allowed to have any talking, just images. Good thing he's good with images!

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