nov 14 - 9pm

Not much going on, it's been rainy and glum...although the fire warms us up. There was snow on the mountains this morning, somewhere around 6-7000 ft. brr!

Wife took kids to see the "i" movie, they liked it, I'll probably see it when it's released for sale and she has to buy it. No sense in giving the industry any less money than you can.

maybe we'll get that refinance done in a couple months and have the money to build the new garage...that means work, but it's fun work, sort of.

Laundry, dishes, laundry, dishes, it never ends. ahhh....

Heard a neat urban legend about how Frank Zappa got out of the draft (this came up at lunch yesterday when sister-in-law asked my 16yo how he was planning on dealing with the likely coming draft), but the story seems to have been exagerated. It's in here in the original guise, but you can google to find some modern retellings.

have funsies!

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