july 11 - 11pm

let's see, what happened today? oh yeah...

I finally took the old pickup to the dump to get rid of the garage building reside that's been in it for a couple weeks. I also finally took the old dishwasher off the porch and dumped it too.

I went to the bank, and closed out the checking account for my business. I really don't need the account, and it costs money to keep it open. Also I ran out of checks, so that was a good excuse. We had about $5k stuck in there, so that went to the other checking account...it's like we're rich again.

Took the twins to taco hell, and it took the better part of an hour to order food, get it, and eat. sheesh! but I spent some time talking to a couple friends, I usually see someone I know there if I go at lunchtime.

then at home later Gary and I tinkered in the garage, we took the body off the suburban! so it's making a little progress after all these years.

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