July 23 2006 - 11pm

I been doin something, but I don'no what

actually I've been tinkering with one of my old cars, got the rear axle put together, and started in on some bodywork. I only have a lot more work to do on it!

Wife went on a short trip to DC earlier in the week. Today she took little Steving to the cave, met up with a couple other sporty car drivers (they had it all planned out)

I even got the cooler in the garage going, so it's kind of comfy in there now when I work. The building is well insulated, so it only gets up to about 90 degrees during hot weather, and it's not too bad to work in (we don't have much humidity here even during rainy season) but the cooler does make it nicer. The big cities in AZ have been getting record breaking heat lately.

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