10-26-04 - 9-30pm

Another exciting day...I got to sleep in till 9, then I got to take a nap a little later. trying to catch up on all the sleep I missed over the long weekend, I can't sleep well when I'm travelling.

The sky was mostly clear this mornign so she took her little car to work, then it got pretty nasty looking so I offered and took her truck to meet for lunch, and drove the little car home...then it rained probably an inch in less than an hour, making a muddy mess of the driveway. how about that.

We took the kids to pizza, she did some homework on her laptop, one kid did homeork from his algebra book, and the other two and I played pool. we must be a wierd looking family. and that's not even because of the kids' haircuts!

but I did some housework today, believe it or not.

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