2/3/05 - 10 pm

ok, I'm a nerd:

And I'm so nerdy I left out the link to the test! oh well.

Wife was watching channel 9 tonite (ABC) which is one of 3 channels we get...they were doing the "happy days" special show. And I happened to catch the little girl (joanie?) saying that she was the first person to say "nerd" on TV, or to call someone a nerd on TV, I forget which. I wonder if that's true?

so I had to go out to the garage and stare at junk and play with things some more...today i moved the 50 chevy that I'm supposed to be working on outside, and put my 55 in. I'm supposed to work on the 50 chevy owner's new 62 t bird soon, so that's my excuse.

I got paid for the last of the ebay stuff today, so I may even have enough pretend money to buy a third pair of wheels...to put the sticky "race" tires on. We'll see.

The dentist trip was fun...steven got his cavity filled, which was on a tooth that is just bizarre looking. It is one of the canines, and it had a growth on the side of it, like a splinter of baby tooth, extending from under the gum down about halfway on the adult tooth. Then most of the exposed part of the growth broke off, leaving an unenameled area on the main tooth. This is where the cavity was. The dentist filled it with something that made the cavity just disappear. But there's still a little white thing sticking out of the gum and steve has to see an oral surgeon to get it removed somehow. And probably needs braces after that, because his teeth are rather crooked.

And kevin not only had to get the one baby tooth pulled, but another one on the top (same tooth big brother is having so much trouble with!) where the adult tooth is growing out the side instead of down to push out the baby tooth. So he was in sad shape for a few hours...but apparently it doesn't hurt now, since they were baby teeth.

I've never had an extraction, although the oral hygenist says I need my wisdom teeth out because it's a pain for her to clean them! I'll put it off as long as possible, thanks anyways.

But I do have a pair of pliers for pulling teeth, with the hook on one of the handles for a good grip. I got them at an antique store somewhere in the midwest in 1989, when my and my brother and his g/f drove the 39 Chevy up to Minnesota for the street rod nationals. Of all the neat old junk, I found some tooth pliers. Same trip, different town, brother found some Elvis 78s (for his juke box) which are probably worth some $$$ today. He might still have them, he still has the Wurlitzer 1100.

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