2/22 - 10pm

hey, I'm supposed to be watching Front Line and hearing the "naughty" words that they can't broadcast while kiddies are awake! The war scenes are hunky dory okey dokey, but if a soldier says "fuck" on the air during prime time then we will be forever corrupted.

Speaking of language on tv...Steve heard a rumor at school today that the new (5th) season of South Park was released today or recently. so we visited one store, they had it, then went to wally world, they had it for $5 less, so we split the cost and bought it. The first episode is where they say "shit" 162 times, without getting bleeped.

Found an optical mouse at the thrift store for $3 today, I wonder if it works...it's ps/2 style instead of usb...

and speaking of kevin's computer, I need to get to work on it. He noticed that after half an hour of heavy game use it shuts down, apparently from overheating. Plan is to poke a hole in the back of the case and put in a fan, as the ps fan is pretty small, and it runs a p4 at 2.4ghz. I just haven't got round to it. I was pretty busy today, doing what I don't know, but I didn' have much time to goof off at home--I must have been too busy goofing off at other places. I did spend some time talking with friend who's building the 31 Chevy, he needed some more parts, so I found and gave him stuff like clutch fork, 3 speed column shifter, voltage regulator, etc leftovers from some of my old trucks.

Our family all wound up at the pizza place at dinner time and played pool and ate pizza. THen me and little Gary stopped by to see the new widow...she had a rough time this morning, seems some guys showed up asking about buying stuff like cars, motorbikes, etc. sheesh! he's been gone a week, and they're knocking the door down like vultures. She got quite upset at that, quite understandably.

I also stopped by another friend's house, he has a bunch of old cars in his back 10 acres, and he let me take some pics. I wanted to get pics that show only old cars in them, stuff from the 30s-50s. I got about a dozen, most of them came out pretty nice.

this is one of the rejects, but still not too bad. I bring my wife over to this guy's house every now and then so she will quit complaining about how bad our place looks!

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