june 28 - 10pm

work work work!

I did some bodywork on a couple of the bent garage door panels, but decided to try to get a replacement for the last one, it's pretty bad. Went to the home despot (after calling the door company and they said they couldn't help directly in this situation) and the new panel should be here in a month or less. fun.

But at least we can park 3 cars in....a glorified carport. And I'll get the last good door on tomorrow, and then we'll be able to park 6 cars in the glorified carport.

Went to the library today and found a couple more books to read, so I'll probalby keep staying up till midnight forever. I can't seem to get moving before about 8am, and I can't seem to get to sleep till midnight or so.

We went to taco hell for lunch, and skipped pizza for dinner, we had macaroni and cheeze and fruit cocktail instead. yummy! in my tummy.

that's all I can think of to say...sorry my life is so boring....I'm not living up to my entertaining potential....

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