sep 19 - 10pm

it was rainy today, quite a change from the past few days. And cool.

I decided around 2 that I ought to get cleaned up and go to town, so I got in the shower and it was just barely spraying...and by the time I got done it was more like a dribble. a little while later no water came out of the sink upstairs. Still a bit in the kitchen sink, but not much.

a few hours later (after my trip to town) we got a call from the neighbor who manages the well that about 6 of us share, he said the power went out and the electrcic co was on the way. We went out for dinner, got back around 8 or so and still no water. But then we saw lights at the power pole, and around 9 water was restored.

I really can't imagine not having it (or electricity) for a couple weeks.

When I was a kid (10ish) my dad built a house for us out in the desert near Tucson. We had water before we moved out there, but no sewer for about 8 months, and no electricity for a year. Not really a hardship for a boy, you know. But it was for my mom. And sister.

the lazies have sure got hold of me lately. I need to get some stuff done! but I can't seem to get started. I'm a professional procrastinator

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