1/8/6 - late pm

i'ts late, how about a badly spelled and grammared entry?

so I was surfing with this old windows 98 computer and folks are warning me that there's a malicious bug out there that will infect my computer when I view images and bad web pages.

so I surfed on over to the microsoft place and read up on it. seems my old windows 98 computer isn't vulnerable to the new bug. huh.

but I'll be sure to fix all the other computers here, they run windows 2000 and are vulnerable.

WE've been working on the old truck some more. now it has some working parking brakes, and the hydraulic brakes (the one you push the pedal to stop the truck) are getting there, 2 wheels done, 1 half done, another to go. I need to buy some new shoes for the fronts, they're worn pretty far. The rear brakes were "interesting", they were assembled wrong but would probably have worked ok. Little Gary has been learning how to wrench...he had some help putting the first brake together, then he did the second one while I was in the house, so I went out to look at it and it was all done just fine. Quick learner. his hands are sore though, from the dryness and hard work and the joy of solvents and too frequent washing and such.

Wife took little Kevin up to the big city yesterday, and they went shopping.

little STeving went to the other big city Friday and got back yesterday afternoon, with lotsa new robot parts to play with. looks like he's really getting into it, he asked if we had any 3 speed cordless drills to take apart, and it turns out we have an older 2 speed, so he took it apart and discovered how the planetary transmission in it works. fun stuff, they sure didn't have them when I was a kid!

I found out that C is getting divorced, kind of suddenly, his wife (second, his first died when their kids were young) decided one day she doesn't want to be married to him anymore. So he's having a tough time of it. I expect it'll only get worse as the year goes on. I wish there was somethign I could do....

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