april 24 - 8am

busy day today....

I get to go to the doctor, it's my "new patient" appt so I can get a physical exam/checkup appt. They punish me for not being a good sick American, if you don't visit the doctor every 2 years they think you don't exist any longer.

then I get to take the twins to the (other) doctor for their shots.

then I get to take them to where mom is, which is not quite her normal workday since she's in a class.

then I get to go to the robot meeting where we'll pack up stuff for the trip.

then I get to go to the other robot meeting where the grownups will find out about the trip.

then I get to go to the car club meeting which happens to be (this month only) at the same place as the robot parents meeting.

The doctor things should only take 3 hrs each, eh?

then we're supposed to hit the road tomorrow evening....off to atlanta!

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